Education facilities security and analysis

Support vehicle management in and around education facilities

Schools, Colleges and Universities are often faced with multiple challenges when dealing with vehicles congestion, no parking/stopping zones and access authorisation. ANPRonline can support vehicle management in and around education facilities as well as offering access control measures to offer greater security.

How can ANPRonline support vehicle management and analysis?

  • Identification of vehicles that do not adhere to no parking/stopping zones
  • Black lists to highlight the capture of any vehicles deemed ‘of interest’ – this can be set up as a security alert
  • White list access control set-up in conjunction with barrier or gate access
  • Notification of entrance by unauthorised vehicles on a free flow entrance
  • Car park occupancy levels and ‘staff only’ authorisation lists
  • Analysis of vehicle dwell time on site
  • Analysis of vehicle behaviour and traffic trends

Improved access control

ANPRonline software can help control access to school premises by identifying registered vehicles and preventing unauthorized vehicles from entering.

Enhanced safety

ANPR technology can help identify vehicles that may pose a security threat or be associated with criminal activity, allowing security personnel to take appropriate action.

Quick response to emergencies

ANPR technology can help identify and track vehicles in real-time, allowing security personnel to respond quickly in the event of an emergency.

Better tracking of vehicles

ANPRonline software can monitor the movement of vehicles on school/campus grounds, making it easier to track vehicles associated with incidents or accidents.


ANPR technology is cost-effective, as it can automate processes that would otherwise require manual intervention or oversight.

Deterrence of crime

The presence of ANPR can act as a deterrent to would-be criminals, reducing the risk of theft, vandalism, or other criminal activities on school/campus premises.

What are the benefits of using ANPRonline?

  • Immediate alerts of unauthorised vehicles on site to nominated individuals
  • Front desk monitoring and management via online portal
  • Access to data from multiple devices
  • Statistical and graphical results and reporting tools
  • Real-time data transfer from ANPR technology
  • Cost effective safety and security solution

ANPRonline can provide additional security to education facilities and offer traffic analysis to allow for measures to be taken to ease vehicle flow and pedestrian safety.